Our Garden Army Need You!
Can you help us grow to new heights?
A very enthusiastic 6B are hoping to further develop the school polytunnel and growing beds over the coming school year. Having worked incredibly hard so far this term, an area is almost ready for new Autumn planting. They would like to introduce a fruit bed and bulb planters and as such are looking for any surplus rhubarb crowns, raspberry canes, blackcurrant and redcurrant bushes, strawberry runners and spring bulbs.
So… a polite plea to all you gardeners- if you are dividing, moving or removing any of the above and no longer have space for them, please may we have them? All donations will be gratefully received and can be left on the low wall at the front of Nettleham Junior School- our garden army will then collect them and turn them into something quite amazing!
Also…we would really welcome quality compost of any type. The more the better (including well-rotted horse manure!) If you are able to bring some in let us know and we’ll arrange access across the school field to our growing area.
A huge thank you from Class 6B