February News

News from Nettleham Church of England Aided Junior School as we come to the of another term like no other!
The end of term three is upon us and it is with some amazement that I realise that we are half way through the school year! We have very mixed feelings about this and would, most definitely, prefer to have all of our pupils with us in school at the moment...but this simply can't be the case at the moment.
We have been overwhelmed with how well the children have adjusted to yet another new pattern and system of learning. The children of critical workers who are attending school have shown remarkable levels of good humour and resilience whilst their parents go about their vital work. Those children who are working at home have been absolutely amazing - producing work of such a high standard and putting adults to shame with their technical know-how. We love being able to receive their work so quickly, to feedback to them easily and to see them on video calls.
We wait with baited breath for the Prime Minister's next announcement on education which, we believe, will be on 22nd February (the evening of the first day back in school...there's a bit of a pattern there!). As always we will be in close communication with you all about how we will move forward safely and with the children's interests firmly at the heart of our next steps. But for now...it's 'business as usual' (school is only open to the children of critical workers) on February 21st. For those learning at home - full MS Teams activities and lessons will resume on this day too.
Staff won't be putting daily lessons on Teams over half-term and the children should use the time to do things that are active, creative and outdoors if you can. If, for any reason, the children have fallen behind with their work on Teams - do try to catch up a bit over the next week but only if that is going to reduce any stress not increase it!
We've got a few half term treats for you though.
Mr Spowage has created a Nettleham Junior School Escape Room activity which you can access here:
The Great Nettleham Junior School Treasure Hunt!
Also we would like to invite you to our first ever Nettleham Junior and Infants virtual book fair, which is here:
Virtual Book Fair 2021
Most of all enjoy some quality time with your families, find as many positives as you can in these very strange times, stay safe, stay warm and stay brilliant!