Spring News 2021

Gradually getting back to 'normal' as the sun shines
The Summer Term has begun with beautiful sunshine and a welcome opportunity for the children to spend as much time as possible outside learning and enjoying time with their friends and classmates. Long may this continue!
Plans for the term ahead
We are gradually inching towards more 'normality' with the return last week of sports coaches working with a number of our classes and also the return of whole class music tuition in Year 4. Our new 'big tent' on the school field comfortably fits a whole class and provides the most well ventilated classroom around! We also see guitar lessons return to school next week - Sam Varlow will be delivering these and, if you are interested, please contact him directly via his website: https://themusicianshipuk.com/
A few provisional dates for you to put into your diary...COVID restrictions allowing! It is so wonderful to be able to plan wider school events.
Monday 3rd May - Bank Holiday, school closed
Friday 7th May - Foodbank Friday
Tuesday 25th May 6pm - Meeting for new parents (for Y3 in September). Currently this will take place via MS Teams
Monday 31st May - Friday 4th June - is half term week. During this time we will be operating another holiday sports camp, all details here: https://www.premier-education.com/parents/venue/courses/18951/?location=nettleham
Monday 7th June pm - The school photographer will be in school to take photos of class groups
Monday 5th July - Friday 9th July - Y6 will be...we hope...on their residential trip at Kingswood, Norfolk
Monday 5th July - Outdoor theatre performances from Rhubarb Theatre
Monday 12th and 19th July - Tokyo Trail days to mark the Olympics
Wednesday 14th July pm - School Sports Day - we are optimistic that, after such a long time apart we can gather together as a whole school community!
Wednesday 21st July - Last Day of Term
Monday 6th September - New School Year begins
Mrs Huckle
I am so sorry to have to inform you about the death of Mrs Joan Huckle who died over the weekend. Mrs Huckle was the beating heart and soul of our school for many many years. She joined our school family over six decades ago as a pupil both in our current building and in the old school building over the road; her children were pupils here, she began work here as a supply teacher and formally began as a full time teacher in 1988. Over the next two decades she was a senior leader, deputy headteacher and acting headteacher. When she retired as our deputy in 2008 she returned to the classroom and continued to teach until 2016, after this Joan was our Bishop's Visitor and remained in very close contact with us. Needless to say we are all devastated by this news, as I am sure are the many families who knew Joan as an inspirational teacher and friend. Our hearts go out to Joan's children Abi and Alex and her husband Roger.
With very best wishes
David Gibbons