What should I do if I think my child has special educational needs?
- Arrange an appointment with child’s class teacher.
How will Nettleham Junior school respond to my concern?
- Class teacher will listen, offer a classroom viewpoint, suggest a way forward and a date for another appointment if necessary. Concerns will be passed to SEND Co-ordinator.
How will the school decide if my child needs extra support?
- Information received from, and discussed with, Infant school; early baseline assessments in Year 3; discussions with parents/child.
- Regular Pupil Progress meetings between school staff explore children’s attainment
- Parental concerns raised and shared with school staff
- Discussions between class teacher and SEND Co-ordinator.
What will the school do to support my child?
- Early support can include small group work with Teaching Assistants; 1:1 work with TAs following specific programmes designed to address the need(s); short-term targets.
- If required, individual plans can be written to include specific learning targets, appropriate strategies and designated provision from teachers and/or Teaching Assistants.
- SEND Co-ordinator will contact Outside Agencies for advice and/or support if required following review meetings with class teachers and parents. Agencies include: Educational Psychologists and Specialist Teachers (STAPS), Speech and Language Therapists, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Sensory Education Support Service (hearing and visual impairments), Grief and Loss Counselling, School Nurse, Medical services, Social Care services, CAMHS (Child and Mental Heath Services).
- Targets and progress will be regularly monitored by staff and discussed with parents. Children’s views will be sought.
- 1:1 tuition (Years 5 and 6) as required and available
Who will support my child in school?
- Teachers and a team of trained and experienced Teaching Assistants.
- Training and qualifications are held in the following areas: Phonic support, dyslexia, autism/Aspergers, speech and language, behaviour management, hearing impairment support, strategies to support visual difficulties, diabetes care, epilepsy, emotional support, Team Teach (behaviour), Safeguarding
- Peer support as appropriate.
- Outside agency staff as appropriate.
What support will there be for my child’s emotional and social well-being?
- Close monitoring by teachers, Teaching Assistants and lunchtime supervisors.
- Talk time as required
- Specialist emotional support programme, ELSA, if required
- Short-term behaviour targets and programmes
- Educational Welfare Officer – involvement as required
- Clear anti-bullying policy – children regularly focus on positive behaviour strategies in class and Assemblies
- Essential medicines can be administered with written parental consent and instructions
- Referrals to Healthy Minds can be made if deemed appropriate.
How will my child be involved in the process and be able to contribute their views?
- Children who require School Support are involved in the development of their plans and feedback about targets. Prior to review meetings, children will be asked for their views on progress and support and any targets on which they would like to focus.
- ELSA programme as appropriate
- Social Stories
- Feelings’ books or morning/end of day check ins
How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
- High quality inclusive teaching by all staff to allow all children to have access to the full curriculum
- Support from experienced Teaching Assistants working in and out of the classroom
- Little Wandle phonics provision to support early readers. All children assessed in Year 3 and interventions in place throughout school.
- Individual support programmes as required: Precision Teaching (Spelling), Plus 1 and Power of 2 (Maths), Toe by Tow, Word Wasp, and Hornet (Spelling), Nessie (spelling), First Call (speech), First Move (fine and gross motor).
- Specific programmes designed in conjunction with Outside Agencies
- Use of ICT to support children (IPads and laptops running MS Office)
What opportunities will there be for me to discuss my child’s attainment and achievement? How will I know how well my child is progressing?
- Phone calls and school appointments arranged with class teacher
- Parents’ evenings
- SEND Pupil Profile review meetings
- Home-School diaries as needed
- After-school appointments arranged with class teacher
How does the school know how well my child is doing?
- Information from previous schools
- Year 3 screening assessments in reading, spelling, writing, mathematics
- Measuring achievement against age related expectations
- Standardised assessments
- Assessment for Learning on-going in classrooms
- Individual progress tracked
- Regular assessments of reading and spelling ages
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom, including school trips?
- Careful risk assessments are carried out before trips and appropriate levels of supervision are planned
- Teaching Assistants will accompany children as appropriate
- Parental help will be sought when required
How accessible is the school environment?
- Ramp access at school entrances
- Lift to upper level
- Disabled toilet / changing area
How will the school prepare and support my child to join the school?
- Opportunities for children and parents to visit school before transition
- New Y3 Parents’ evening, usually in May prior to transition
- Parents can arrange appointments to see the Head Teacher or SEND Co-ordinator prior to transition
- SEND Co-ordinator/Year 3 teacher will attend all Infant school review meetings as invited during the Summer term prior to transition
- Year 3 staff meet with staff from Infant schools to gather information
- Year 2 children will be allocated a buddy from Year 5 who will write a letter introducing themselves and the school. They deliver these personally to Nettleham Infants school; others are posted. Children will have several visits to the Junior school to play and have lunch with their buddies
- There will be a morning visit to spend time with Year 3 teachers.
- Additional visits can be arranged if required.
How can I be involved in supporting my child?
- Reading with and to you child daily, discussing what has been read
- Enable access to Spelling Shed and Times Table Rockstars on electronic devices.
- Support with homework tasks, including learning number bonds and multiplication tables
- Pass key information to school regularly (email, letter or telephone)
- Attend Parents’ evenings and Review meetings
- Termly newsletters will be sent outlining curriculum areas to be covered and general arrangements for homework, PE etc
How can I access support for myself and my family?
·Lincolnshire SEND Local Offer https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/send-local-offer
Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum https://www.lincspcf.org.uk/P_Info_Publicity.php
Education Health Care Hub https://ehchub.lincolnshire.gov.uk
Key Contact Details
Our SENDCO is Mr Leo Spowage
Telephone: 01522 750 376 Email: enquiries@nettleham-junior.lincs.sch.uk