Latest news and plans for Summer and beyond

Latest news and plans for Summer and beyond
We hope that you are having a lovely weekend and have managed to safely enjoy some of the new ‘freedoms’.
Life remains very busy in school and, following Government announcements on Tuesday and Thursday last week, we have more clarity about expectations for the summer holiday period and also for the return to school in September. Obviously there is a lot of work to do to ensure that this next stage of this strange period is safe and positive for all members of the school community. We will keep you fully informed of these plans including sharing with you all risk assessment and risk mitigation measures.
It is very likely that school will continue to be different with many of the measures that we have put in place over the past months remaining including high levels of cleaning, staggered arrival times, staggered break and lunch times and no groups larger than one class/ bubble together.
We will be returning to school uniform though, so please plan for this over the summer break.
One thing that we have been able to confirm is the ‘class destinations’ for our Year 3,4 and 5 children and they are as follows:
Children in 3TS will join Mrs Verdon and Mr Grafton in Class 4GV
Children in 3B will join Miss Windley in Class 4W
Children in 4GV will join Mr Spowage in Class 5S
Children in 4W will join Mrs Wicks and Mr Handley in Class 5WH
Children in 5S will join Mrs Barbosa in Class 6B
Children in 5WH will join Ms Summerlin in Class 6S
For families of children who have been attending school since March – keyworkers and Year 6 - we have decided that school will close to children on the afternoon of Tuesday 21st July and reopen on 3rd September. There have been a number of considerations when making this decision including the loosening of lockdown, the reopening of childcare partners and the ability of family members to look after children. It is worth noting that this will be exactly 5 months since the last weekday (February 21st) when school was closed to children.
Our teaching staff are currently finalising the ‘end of year’ reports for all children and we look forward to sharing these with you on 13th July. Over the next week we will also be letting you know the arrangements for children to collect any items that they may have left in school back in March.
We live, for now, in the ‘new normal’ though and here are the weekly learning updates for each year group. We have received some really useful feed back this week about what works best for your children at home – hopefully we have incorporated this into this week’s timetables.
Here are the timetables and updates for each year group for the coming week:
Do keep visiting the school YouTube channel – there are new videos uploaded every week!