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October News from Nettleham

An update on our PTA, Harvest Festival, School Council and a great competition

It's been another really brilliant week in school, we must say that we are delighted with how the children are approaching all aspects of school life. 

We have a few exciting events that we would like to inform you of/ remind you about.

Firstly we would love to see parents joining our friendly PTA at their next meeting on Thursday 13th October at 3.45pm. We will make provision for any children who need to accompany their parents. The meeting should last no longer than 45 -60 minutes and we'll be planning discos, raffles and a Christmas Fayre.

Secondly, our harvest festival is coming up on Monday 17th October and we welcome harvest boxes in school from next week. Attached is more information about this.

We will also be holding elections for our school council over the coming weeks. We spent a really interesting 20 minutes together discussing democracy as a whole school yesterday and all children who are interested in standing should have brought home sheets to help them prepare for their class elections.

Finally, All Saints Church have asked me to share with you the entry form for their annual Christmas Card design competition, this is attached. Do have a look at it with   and consider taking part.


David Gibbons
